Monday, December 13, 2010

Pleabein Photoshoot

A friend asked how I went about setting up the pictures to be taken for my sculpture. It is magical and complicated procedure requiring the aid of many squirrels and the blessing of a mermaid pajama elf.

Okay, maybe not that complicated.

Here is how I did a quick, easy, plebeian setup to take pictures of Tulah.
I worked with two ideas:

1. A white background
2. Natural light. Regular house lights tend to cast a yellowed or blue light.

Now, this is where I cheat: I own a pretty sweet Nikon camera.

And this is where I ask you to not laugh to hard at my setup :

Paper near a window! 

I know I will look back one day and laugh as well. But until then (using my serious face) I am exploring the wonders of simplicity and the usefulness of mundane objects transformed into new and insightful tools.

-Cheers & Smiles-


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! It makes mermaid pajama elves seem less scarce!
    You're super resourceful, clever lady!

  2. Hi Melissa,
    I love your sketches and your new doll is AMAZING!
    Wish you were closer so we could share a cup of tea:D
    I wish you all the very best in 2011!!


  3. @ Vani: Thank you for always being the cheering friend in my corner -hug-

    @ Rosanna: I would love nothing more then to share a cup of tea with such a creative artist. I hope your 2011 start is a wonderful one!
